MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering from MIT, and Electrical Engineer from Comillas University in Madrid, Spain. Visiting professor at MIT (2008-present). Professor at Comillas University; founder and director (1984-1994) of its Institute for Research in Technology (IIT). Professor and Director of Training at the Florence School of Regulation. Life member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering. Fellow and Life Member of IEEE. Commissioner at the Spanish Electricity Regulatory Commission (1995-2000). Independent Member of the Irish Single Electricity Market Committee (2007-2012). Member of the Board of Appeal of the EU Agency for the Coordination of Energy Regulators (2011-2016). Review editor of the 5th Assessment Report of the IPCC. Consultant and lecturer in about 40 countries. Currently researching on future trends in power systems regulation, operation and planning, with a focus on electrification planning in developing countries and strategic issues in universal energy access.