Raffaele Chiulli




He is Doctor of Sciences with honours from the University of Rome and received post graduate education at Duke University (U.S.A.), INSEAD (France) and IMD (Switzerland).

Founder and President of SAFE - Sostenibilità Ambientale Fonti Energetiche, established in 1998, centre of excellence for Energy, Environmental Management & Sustainability. SAFE organises post graduate and executive education programmes, promotes scientific research and innovative technologies, stimulates effective interaction among industry, Academic and Government institutions, develops talents and creates investment opportunities.

The SAFE post graduate program in “Energy Resources Management”, conceived and directed by Raffaele Chiulli, involves more than 100 companies, key international Institutions and Governmental Authorities, Research Centers and Universities.

Previous assignments include Chief Executive positions in the energy industry as well as board membership in multinational energy companies. Among his C-level positions, he was Energy Director Central Europe at Holcim, the world leading supplier of cement, aggregates, ready-mix concrete, asphalt and related services - Chief Executive Officer at Eurofuels, company active in “waste to energy", waste recycling and co-processing - Chief Executive Officer at Fusine Energia, a power generation from renewable resources company.

Formerly, he worked in the Oil & Gas Industry where he was Chairman of the LASMO, Texaco, British Gas and Amoco Joint Venture,  -Business Development Director and Board Member of LASMO and held several senior positions at AGIP S.p.A.

He was also Professor at the Universities of Rome and Pisa for classes on economic and strategic aspects related to the research and management of energy resources; chairman of international panels, lecturer at Master programmes and author of more than fifty publications.

Chiulli has also been member of the Advisory Board of Airlight Energy, a Swiss company that supplied proprietary technology for large-scale production of electricity using solar power and for energy storage in collaboration with IBM Research and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ).

He is passionate for Sport, in and outside the pitch.  He is currently President of GAISF (Global Association of International Sport Federations) the worldwide governing organization for the 95 Olympic and non-Olympic International Sports Federations and organizer of major international sporting events and President of SportAccord, the organizer of the world sport and business summit and the International Sport Federations Forum, combining exhibition themed conference programmes with a multitude of networking events. He is President of UIM (Union Internationale Motonautique), the International Powerboating Federation, World Governing Body for all powerboating activities, fully recognized by the International Olympic Committee.

Chiulli was also Professor at “Foro Italico” University in Rome and lecturer at the AISTS Master of Advanced Studies in Sport Administration and Technology in Lausanne, managing and giving programs on sport management. He is member of the High Level Panel of Save the Dream, panel of distinguished personalities who implement and promote activities to empower youth through safe access to sport and to its educational and social values.

He received several Honours & Awards among which Knight of Merit of Italian Republic, by the President of the Republic - Vermillion Medal for Education and Sport, by HSH Prince Albert of Monaco -
Gold Star of Sport Merit, by the President Italian Olympic Committee - Diploma for Development and Promotion of Sport, by the President of International Olympic Committee - Julius Caesar Award, by the City of Rome.