Attending the Roma 2021 Glocal Economic Forum ESG89
November 26, 2021
ESG89 Group held on November 24-25 the Roma 2021 Glocal Economy Forum on the value of economic re-growth, offering a platform for discussion on the most pressing economic issues of today. Enel Foundation’s Deputy Director Giuseppe Montesano attended the event, representing World Energy Council Italia and contributing to the panel on energy and materials sustainability.
Launching the first Italian PhD in Sustainable Development and Climate Change with IUSS
November 24, 2021
In response to the rising attention towards sustainability and the UN Agenda 2030, Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS Pavia recently launched the first Italian PhD program in Sustainable Development and Climate Change (SDCC). Enel Foundation will be Knowledge Partner of this exciting new education venture.
Cities and networks facing the challenge of climate adaptation
November 23, 2021
Legambiente presented the 2021 report of the Observatory CittàClima of Legambiente, with Enel Foundation as Scientific Partner and the contribution of Unipol Group. The aim was to raise awareness and provide scientific analysis on the impacts that the climate crisis has on urban areas and on the Italian territory, urging for an acceleration of climate adaptation policies, at national and local level.
Implementing the European Green Deal through Transformational Change
November 22, 2021
The United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and Enel Foundation presented their study on how to effectively implement the European Green Deal in full consistency with the Sustainable Development Goals.
Partnering up with OLADE to foster energy transition in Latin America
November 17, 2021
Enel Foundation is glad to announce a new Knowledge Partnership with Olade - Organización Latinoamericana de Energía, launched to support the development of research and training initiatives on the energy transition in Latin America.
Scenarios and prospects for electrification of public road transport
November 16, 2021
SDA Bocconi hosted a webinar on the research, “Scenarios and perspectives of electrification of public road transport and Total Cost and Revenues of Ownership (TCRO): an innovative benchmark analysis”, discussing its application in Italy.
Energy communities as economic development lever for transition
November 15, 2021
The Italian Forum of Energy Communities (IFEC), launched by the World Energy Council (WEC) Italia and the Energy Center of the Politecnico di Torino, held the First IFEC National Conference in collaboration with Enel Foundation as Knowledge Partner.
Key factors for an African sustainable development
November 9, 2021
Our Managing Director Carlo Papa and Deputy Director Giuseppe Montesano recently published an article on AEIT, the magazine of the Italian Association of Electrical, Electronics, Automation, Information and Communication Technology.
Securing Climate Ambition with Cooperative Approaches
November 8, 2021
Michael A. Mehling, Deputy Director at the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research of MIT, wrote a paper that recently came out on the Harvard Project on Climate Agreements with the scientific contribution of Enel Foundation.
Empowering Women and Youth to lead the Clean Energy Transition
November 5, 2021
Enel Foundation and Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) held “Empowering Women and Youth to Lead the Clean Energy Transition”, taking place in partnership with the Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP) at the SDG7 Pavilion in the Blue Zona at COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland.
New partnership with SEforALL for Open Africa Power
November 5, 2021
Enel Foundation is excited to announce a new partnership with Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) on our education venture Open Africa Power. This new collaboration aims to accelerate the full professional participation of women and youth in the sustainable energy sector.
Materials for the Energy Transition
November 2, 2021
IRENA and Enel Foundation strengthened their partnership on the occasion of COP26 to accurately measure reserves, resources and demand impacts, accounting for innovation and circularity from design to re-use and recycle.