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Knowledge Partnerships
Enel Foundation and EPRI launch climate resilience workshop series
Education Projects
Energy Policy Leaders from 21 Latin American and Caribbean Countries Gather for Virtual Workshop on Energy Systems for a Decarbonized Future
Knowledge Partnerships
IRENA and Enel Foundation keep fostering a global energy transition together
Education Projects
2022 edition of Siena International School on Sustainable Development
Knowledge Partnerships
Announcing the African School of Regulation (ASR)
Education Projects
Start of the Italian module of Open Africa Power 2021
Education Projects
Open Africa Power 2022: Call for applications
Research Projects
SACE 2022 Risk Map
Education Projects
Jeffrey Sachs opens the Siena International School on Sustainable Development 2022
Knowledge Partnerships
New partnership with the World Meteorological Organization
Research Projects
We4U 2022: World energy for Universities, our Academic Partners Annual Meeting
Education Projects
Supporting ISPI’s 2022 edition of Planet Needs YOUth
Education Projects
New Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering with Strathmore University
Knowledge Partnerships
Presentation of "Chile Territorio Futuro" with Universidad Del Desarrollo
Knowledge Partnerships
Launching "Life ClimAction" with Legambiente
Education Projects
Open Africa Power 2022: African Module
Knowledge Partnerships
Enel Foundation at Codeway Expo 2022
Research Projects
eSG Lab presents ESG risk detection framework for SMEs
Research Projects
Sustainable Energy for All Forum Kigali 2022
Education Projects
Webinar on the prospects for green investments and finance
Knowledge Partnerships
Launch of "PNRR Lab" with SDA Bocconi
Research Projects
Presentation of the Switch Report with fDi Intelligence
Education Projects
Open Africa Power, told by the 2022 students
Knowledge Partnerships
Launching the International Community for Local Smart Grids (ICLSG) with the University of Oxford
Education Projects
The Siena International School on Sustainable Development returns on campus
Knowledge Partnerships
ITCILO Youth and Climate Academy 2022 launched
Knowledge Partnerships
New Knowledge Partnership with Student Energy
Research Projects
Call for solutions to cope with the challenges posed by climate change
Knowledge Partnerships
"Chile Territorio Futuro" holds its first face-to-face meeting
Research Projects
Accelerating decarbonisation to ensure more effective investments and greater benefits from the Net Zero E-conomy 2050
Research Projects
Italian energy communities from a DSO’s perspective
Research Projects
The World Energy Employment report was published by IEA, with the support and analytical contribution of Enel Foundation.
Education Projects
Fulbright-Enel Foundation climate change scholarships
Research Projects
The rare earth metals and other critical materials for the energy transition
Knowledge Partnerships
Global Forest and Tree Restoration - Conference
Research Projects
Presentation of the BIRDIE-S research project, Sardinia
Education Projects
Student Energy©️ Career Training program 2022 - the inauguration workshop "Energy Transition Pathways"
Knowledge Partnerships
Presentation of 2022 State of Climate Services Energy Report
Knowledge Partnerships
International Conference on Global Forest and Tree Restoration
Education Projects
A portrait of African Youth: book and documentary
Education Projects
Celebrating OAP mid term: closing class of the Florence School of Regulation Course on the Regulation for SDG7
Education Projects
Open Africa Power 2022 a big thank you to our partners
Knowledge Partnerships
Launch of Enel Foundation-Politecnico di Milano Knowledge Partnership on Ambassador Program in Green Technology and Smart Infrastructures
Knowledge Partnerships
Enel Foundation announces a scientific partnership with Società Botanica Italiana
Knowledge Partnerships
Global Alliance for Sustainable Energy – Position paper release
Education Projects
OAP 2023 edition launched at COP27
Knowledge Partnerships
Second National Conference of Energy Communities
Knowledge Partnerships
The switch in foreign direct investment towards renewable energy
Education Projects
2022 Edition of RES4Africa’s Advanced Training Course successfully concluded
Knowledge Partnerships
Enel Foundation joins RELAC
Knowledge Partnerships
RES4Africa and Enel Foundation: a long-lasting commitment to supercharge Africa’s clean energy transition
Knowledge Partnerships
COP 26 Youth Engagement web conference on Climate Negotiations
Knowledge Partnerships
Enel Foundation and IRENA join forces for the advancement of the Energy Transition
Research Projects
eSG Lab gets underway: more sustainable businesses, more growth and development
Research Projects
Presented today: "The Future Europe Wants: A Green and Digital, Job-Based and Inclusive Recovery", a report led by Jeffrey Sachs of SDSN Europe, with the collaboration of Enel Foundation
Education Projects
The Innovability® School: Sustainability for Forward-Thinking Start-Ups
Research Projects
Presentation of the 2021 COTEC Report on Open Innovation
Education Projects
Enel Foundation continues its partnership with Innovation for Change for its sixth edition
Education Projects
Open Africa Power 2021: Call for applications
Knowledge Partnerships
SACE 2021 Risk Map: risks and sustainable recovery for Italian exports in 2021
Research Projects
Paper with OIES on incentivising the decarbonisation via the adoption of circular economy
Knowledge Partnerships
Enel Foundation launches Senior Fellowship programme
Research Projects
Enel Foundation and IEA launch The Glass House Project: a fresh look at Energy Employment opportunities in the Just Transition
Human and Natural Capital,Knowledge Partnerships
Enel Foundation to join IFAB as a participating member
Research Projects
Discussing Environmentally Sound Technologies at Tech Share Day
Education Projects
Minding the Gaps of Electrification in Italy
Knowledge Partnerships
Launching the Italian Forum of Energy Communities (IFEC)
Research Projects
Facing the global energy sector at the OIES Annual Brainstorming
Research Projects
Enel Foundation selected to present new country risks and opportunities methodology @ Chile’s Clean Energy Ministerial virtual Expo
Education Projects
Kicking off Open Africa Power 2021
Education Projects
Tackling energy transition with youth in collaboration with IRENA
Education Projects
Wrapping up Mind the Gaps
Research Projects
Discussing the geopolitics of the energy transition with ISPI and the British Embassy in Rome
Research Projects
Discussing decarbonization policies with the Ministries of Finance of Chile and Paraguay
Education Projects
Powering youth with IRENA
Education Projects
2021 Demo Day of Innovation for Change
Research Projects
Discussing Energy Communities as driving force of innovation and resilience in the power sector
Knowledge Partnerships
Enel X joins EF scientific partnership with Extreme E
Education Projects
Wrapping up the African module of OAP 2021
Knowledge Partnerships
Partnering up with UC Berkeley to support Italian researchers in their entrepreneurial journey
Research Projects
Launching our scientific research project with Extreme E
Education Projects
Fostering youth cooperation to fight climate change with IRENA
Research Projects
Improving European governance to enable investments on the Energy Transition
Research Projects
Assoreti and Enel Foundation to train financial consultants on ESG and sustainable finance
Research Projects
Launch of the Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition
Knowledge Partnerships
Tackling 2021 Challenges with MIT Solve
Education Projects
Engaging youth on energy transition and ESG competencies
Education Projects
The African century: youth and sustainability
Research Projects
Discussing Circular Cities at Enel’s official Pre-COP26 event
Research Projects
Extreme E’s St Helena reaching Sardinia for Island X Prix
Research Projects
Assessing Disaster Risk Reduction in the Dolomites area
Research Projects
Italy’s future consumption trends: Millennials and GenZ
Research Projects
Breaking the isolation of island climate challenges
Education Projects
Postgraduate course on Energy Resources Management
Research Projects
Communicating the Climate Crisis at Charge Energy Branding
Research Projects
G20 Climate Risks Atlas: Impacts, policy, economics
Knowledge Partnerships
Empowering Women and Youth to lead the Clean Energy Transition
Research Projects
Materials for the Energy Transition
Knowledge Partnerships
New partnership with SEforALL for Open Africa Power
Research Projects
Securing Climate Ambition with Cooperative Approaches
Research Projects
Key factors for an African sustainable development
Knowledge Partnerships
Energy communities as economic development lever for transition
Research Projects
Scenarios and prospects for electrification of public road transport
Knowledge Partnerships
Partnering up with OLADE to foster energy transition in Latin America
Research Projects
Implementing the European Green Deal through Transformational Change
Research Projects
Cities and networks facing the challenge of climate adaptation
Education Projects
Launching the first Italian PhD in Sustainable Development and Climate Change with IUSS
Research Projects
Attending the Roma 2021 Glocal Economic Forum ESG89
Education Projects
Inclusive business as a shared value opportunity: creating profitable solutions by meeting social needs
Education Projects
Engaging youth to set the future energy transition agenda
Knowledge Partnerships
Attending Enlit Europe 2021 as Global Knowledge Partner
Knowledge Partnerships
Launching "Chile Territorio Futuro" with the Universidad del Desarrollo
Knowledge Partnerships
Enel Foundation Knowledge Partner of Enlit Europe 2020 in Milan
Education Projects
Education to cope with the "New Normal"
Knowledge Partnerships
Enel Foundation and Generation.e help define the next decade of smart mobility
Education Projects
Energy Training in South Africa celebrates legacy of Nelson Mandela
Education Projects
Knowledge Partnership with Innovation 4 Change
Research Projects
New research on long duration storage for renewable generation
Knowledge Partnerships
A (truly) Smarter Mobility Conference
Education Projects
Impact innovation program goes digital
Knowledge Partnerships
Sharing Knowledge on Managing Utilities during COVID-19
Education Projects
Education projects during COVID-19
Knowledge Partnerships
Call for papers on the future of energy brands
Knowledge Partnerships
Stepping up support to MIT Solve global community
Knowledge Partnerships
Discussing Africa’s response to climate change
Knowledge Partnerships
The path to recovery from the perspective of DSOs
Education Projects
Sustainable school in Siena goes advanced to foster progress towards 2030 UN Agenda
Knowledge Partnerships
Partnership to map new risks and opportunities stemming from ClimateChange, inclusive EnergyTransition and reducing inequality
Research Projects
Discussing E-Quality in the context of energy transition
Research Projects
The future trends of Millennials and Generation Z in Italy
Research Projects
New Report on Euro-Mediterranean Energy Cooperation
Research Projects
Discussing the role of the electricity sector in a post-COVID recovery
Research Projects
New research on Circular Economy in Europe
Research Projects
Connecting shared value to shareholder value with hybrid metrics
Education Projects
Energy training continues online
Knowledge Partnerships
New partnership between the Enel Foundation and the Sustainable Development Solution Network to support the European Green Deal
Research Projects
Sustainable paths for EU increased climate and energy ambition
Education Projects
Jeffrey Sachs at the opening of the third Siena Advanced School on Sustainable Development
Research Projects
Reports on South America: VRES, grid interconnections, COVID implications
Research Projects
Discussing climate change and renewable energy in Zambia
Education Projects
Open Africa Power awarded "Just Transition Prize" by ASviS
Knowledge Partnerships
New scientific partnership with Extreme E
Research Projects
A new research on water-energy nexus shows how to develop synergies for sustainability
Research Projects
Discussing E-Quality an equal and inclusive energy transition in Italy and Europe
Research Projects
Marshall Plan for Middle America: a roadmap to sustainable development
Research Projects
"Climate has already changed": a new report to raise awareness on the new normal in cities and share knowledge on best practices
Education Projects
Discussing on electricity networks’ role in a carbon-neutral economy
Research Projects
Electricity’s role in the energy transition: a webinar to explore possible electrification pathways
Knowledge Partnerships
From youth to youth: new book on climate change and multilateral negotiations
Education Projects
New Innovability® School for start-ups focused on sustainability
Research Projects
WE4U 2020: Annual academic meeting with partners to discuss "The power of knowledge for a clean Energy Future"
Research Projects
Energy transition in Latin America: a webinar to discuss challenges of grid interconnection and circular cities
Education Projects
African Clean Energy leaders start training in Ethiopia
Knowledge Partnerships
Circular and Resilient Global Cities
Knowledge Partnerships
Accelerating electric vehicle adoption in the Middle East
Knowledge Partnerships
Open Innovation to Solve global challenges
Research Projects
New research on grid integration of renewables starting in Zambia
Research Projects
New data on Energy transition potential in Ethiopia
Knowledge Partnerships
Global Forum on World Energy Transition
Research Projects
Science, innovation and entrepreneurship at UN in Kenya
Knowledge Partnerships
Workshop on Energy Transition in EU and China
Knowledge Partnerships
Enel Foundation joins Italian cities resilience task force
Knowledge Partnerships
Global Partnership to make sense of the energy transition
Education Projects
Education for Sustainability initiative presented in Ministerial meeting
Knowledge Partnerships
International Symposium on Water, Climate Change and Landscape design
Knowledge Partnerships
Partnership with North American energy professionals network
Research Projects
Enabling access to Power in Africa
Knowledge Partnerships
Challenges in the Digitalization of the Public Administration
Research Projects
Transatlantic scenarios for e-Mobility development
Knowledge Partnerships
MIT Solve annual flagship event
Knowledge Partnerships
Private sector discusses the Resilience Dividend
Education Projects
Workshop at Harvard University
Knowledge Partnerships
Industry leaders and academic talents meet at African Utility Week
Research Projects
New perspectives for non-technical network losses identification
Education Projects
Engaging new generations on sustainable development
Education Projects
Scaling up renewables in Africa
Education Projects
2019 Class of Open Africa Power Visits Italy
Knowledge Partnerships
SEforALL calls for more action on SDG7
Education Projects
Bridging Academia and Business to tackle Innovation Challenges
Knowledge Partnerships
Sustainable energy for the future of powerboating
Knowledge Partnerships
Enel Foundation speaks on Resilience
Research Projects
New research on decarbonization policies
Research Projects
Just E-volution 2030: New Research on Energy Transition in Europe
Education Projects
Sustainable Development: Summer School
Research Projects
Better electricity modelling for a changing world
Education Projects
Youth Film Festival on UN Agenda 2030
Education Projects
Open Africa Power 2020: Call for applications
Knowledge Partnerships
Enel Foundation recognized as best organization brand in energy sector
Knowledge Partnerships
2019 International Electricity Summit
Knowledge Partnerships
Enel Foundation at UN Climate Summit 2019
Knowledge Partnerships
Infrastructures and networks for Smart Cities
Knowledge Partnerships
Bus Operators and the new Energy Industry
Knowledge Partnerships
Advanced scientific collaboration on climate change and energy transition
Education Projects
Master on Adaptation and Mitigation solutions
Knowledge Partnerships
Africa talks Smarter Mobility
Education Projects
Enel Foundation and Harvard environmental economics program gather for energy policy roundtable in Morocco
Knowledge Partnerships
Largest industry event in Europe evolves with Enel Foundation partnership
Research Projects
The Race to a Clean Energy Future and the Science-Driven Corporation
Education Projects
Advanced Training on Renewable Energy Solutions for Africa
Education Projects
Fulbright Commission and Enel Foundation offer Internships for U.S. students
Knowledge Partnerships
Discussing carbon pricing at the UN climate change conference
Knowledge Partnerships
Harvard and Enel Foundation discuss Climate Change
Education Projects
Open Africa Power 2019: growing institutional support
Knowledge Partnerships
European Forum On Disaster Risk Reduction
Knowledge Partnerships
Enel Foundation and ABRADEE for SENDI 2018
Knowledge Partnerships
Global Knowledge Partnership with European Utility Week
Education Projects
Open Africa Power - Partnership in education
Knowledge Partnerships
Open Italy: how to open a country to Innovation?
Knowledge Partnerships
Siebel Energy Institute Italian Workshop
Knowledge Partnerships
Tackling challenges that can change the world
Knowledge Partnerships
Bocconi & Africa 2018 Forum on Enterpreneurship
Knowledge Partnerships
Together for a sustainable future: Enel and MIT Solve
Education Projects
Open Africa Power - welcoming clean energy leaders of tomorrow
Knowledge Partnerships
Global Electrification Forum and International Electricity Summit
Knowledge Partnerships
Energy and Climate Change Policy discussed in Brussels
Knowledge Partnerships
Global overview of Renewables market by Oxford Energy Institute
Education Projects
A landmark for Enel Foundation Fellowship program
Knowledge Partnerships
Enel Foundation joins Solve at MIT
Knowledge Partnerships
Our ongoing dialogue with Huaneng Group
Knowledge Partnerships
Enel Foundation joins Electrify Europe
Education Projects
A new high level workshop at Harvard University
Research Projects
Collective focus: Foundation Talks
Research Projects
Exploring electricity consumer behavior using big data
Research Projects
Research on photovoltaic potential in Italy
Knowledge Partnerships
Sustainable development and digital transformation for urban areas
Knowledge Partnerships
POWER-GEN & DistribuTECH Africa 2018
Education Projects
Siena Summer School on Sustainable Development
Research Projects
Electrify 2030: new research on electrification in Italy
Research Projects
Low-carbon mobility in Italy
Research Projects
Enel Foundation contributes to the debate on "Electrifying Africa"
Knowledge Partnerships
EF supports Disaster Risk Reduction initiatives
Education Projects
Open Africa Power 2019: Call for Applications
Knowledge Partnerships
The power of knowledge for a clean energy future
Knowledge Partnerships
Cooperative approaches to Paris Agreements
Knowledge Partnerships
The energy transition in Europe and China
Research Projects
Round Table in Aspen Institute Italia on Sustainable Mobility
Knowledge Partnerships
Urban development of Santiago de Chile
Research Projects
On the way to COP23
Knowledge Partnerships
Cooperation with the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
Research Projects
Enel Foundation and Harvard play to a full house @COP23
Knowledge Partnerships
EF hosts Horizon 2020 - 2018-20 tenders launch day
Knowledge Partnerships
EF supports Macerata in joining UNISDR campaign
Knowledge Partnerships
EF re-elected to UNISDR ARISE Board
Education Projects
Latam "Energy and Climate change roundtable"
Knowledge Partnerships
Smart Technologies: Empowering Networks!
Research Projects
Cutting edge resilience project in San Ginesio
Research Projects
The e-Mobility Revolution at the Ambrosetti Forum
Knowledge Partnerships
Africa: lighting up the future
Knowledge Partnerships
HTERI and EF research on the Energy Transition
Knowledge Partnerships
Enel Foundation at the VIII Diàlogo Polìtico de Eficientia Energética
Research Projects
EF a main sponsor of "The future is now: are you ready"
Knowledge Partnerships
Habitat III networking event
Education Projects
Start of the Italian Module of Open Africa Power 2022
Research Projects
The 2030 Plan for renewable and smart energy: the opportunities for the Italian supply chain
Research Projects
The 2030 Plan for renewable and smart energy: the opportunities for the Italian supply chain
Education Projects
Open Africa Power 2023: Call for applications
Knowledge Partnerships
World energy for Universities 2023 edition: the power of knowledge for a clean energy future
Knowledge Partnerships
ISPI and Enel Foundation again together to train Italian diplomats on energy transition and climate action
Education Projects
OAP 2023 - Start of the training program
Knowledge Partnerships
Planet needs YOUth 2023 edition
Education Projects
Celebrating the OAP Italian Module
Knowledge Partnerships
Transatlantic research cooperation between Enel Foundation and the U.S. Italy Fulbright Commission takes flight
Knowledge Partnerships
42,000 youth voices for the energy transition: Student Energy and Enel Foundation launch the Global Youth Energy Outlook (GYEO)
Research Projects
Energy transition strategic supply chains - industrial roadmap for Europe and Italy
Education Projects
NewGen Renewable Energy Accelerator: the training program kicks off
Education Projects
Call for applications: IRENA NewGen Renewable Energy Accelerator
Research Projects
Women in the energy transition
Education Projects
Successfully concluded the First Executive Training on Renewable Energy and the Energy Transition in Africa in the framework of the Mattei Plan
Ecomondo shines a spotlight on Africa through the Africa Green Growth Forum
Research Projects
Discussing spillover effects of industrial decarbonization policies at COP29
Knowledge Partnerships
Fundación San Ignacio del Huinay: the partnership agreement continues
Human and Natural Capital
Fellows Fabio Salvatore Leonardi and Massimiliano Maurizio De Benedetti have completed their Executive PhD at the Politecnico di Milano
Empowering Africa's Energy Transition: Highlights from the 2024 RES4Africa Executive School in Milan
Research Projects
Clean energy drives global employment growth: key insights from the World Energy Employment 2024
Education Projects
Technical Training on Energy Storage in Egypt
Research Projects
Energy Transition: Challenges and Opportunities for Italy
Knowledge Partnerships
Enel Foundation and Politecnico di Milano: renewed partnership for the Ambassador Program
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